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![]() ![]() 포토타이페어(2010) : PHOTO TAIPEI(2010) | ![]() ![]() | ![]() | |||||||
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![]() 전시: 포토타이페어(2010) : PHOTO TAIPEI(2010)
장소: Sunworld Dynasty Hotel, Taipei
기간: 2010.12.16 (목) ~ 2010.12.19 (일)
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학력 Education 2010 "잃어버린 순수"전(뉴욕 첼시 아트 뮤즘) 2인전 Duet Exhibitions
Park dae cho Education - M.F.A in Korean Painting major, Graduate school of Art &design Sang-myung University -Wins a prize at Grand Art Exhibition of Korea at National Museum of Contemporary Art 2009. Sep. 16th - 22th : Opening exhibition of Stanza gallery 2009. Sep. 08th - 12th : Shanghai art fair (Solo booth, Shanghai MART) 2009, Aug. 24th - 28th : " INEART-The Heart of Child " at Young-In city hall 2009, June 11th - 28th : ‘Crossing the boundary’ at Hwa-bong Gallery 2009, May 08th - 13th : The 6th International An-san Art Fair 2009, Apr. 10th - 24th : Dio Art Center "Groping Genre" at Dio Gallery 2009, Apr. 01th - 09th : Invitational Exhibition by Gallery Jung 2009, Mar. 11th - 23th : `INEART-The Heart of Child (A wild flower)' invited by Gallery Dos 2009, Jan. 04th - 10th : `INEART-The Heart of Child (Dolls)' invited by Shin ju ku Gallery Hoshi 2009. Feb. 10th - 17th : invitation exhibition for the best artist on exhibition, 'the better direction' 2008, Nov. 01th - 30th : An invitational exhibition at Gallery Jinsun 2008, July 17th - 22th : An invitational exhibition at Kyung hyang Gallery in Chong-dong 2008, July 08th - 18th : An invitational exhibition at Gallery Won 2008, July 02th - 08th : `The Heart of Child' at Insa Art Gallery 2007, May 23th - 29th : A solo exhibition at Grau Gallery 2006, Mar. 07th - 13th : `Moving Cape,'An yang Lotte Gallery Spring Invitational Exhibition 2009, Sep. 05 - Oct. 05 " Tooyoung" invited at Han-won art museum 2009 , Oct. 19th - 30th : "Busan International Mul-art show 2009" at Busan 2009, Oct. 08th - 12th : 'singapore art fair' at Singapore 2009, Sep. 8th - 12th : Shanghai Art Fair (in china) 2009. Sep. 18th - 22th : "KIAF" 2009, Sep. 10th - OCT. 18th : "The vision of a young-contemporary art" at Ggyeng-nam art museum 2009, Sep. 12th - 16th : 'SIPA' at Seoul Arts Center, Seoul 2009, Aug. 21th - 23th : 'Hotel Art Fair' (in Grand Hayatt Hotel, Korea) 2009, July 30th - Aug. 16th : "2009 Green Cake Art Fair", Sinsegae department store gallery 2009. July 29th - Aug. 04th : Art festival for green growing, 'The beautiful mountain' (in Sejong center, Korea) 2009, July 17th - 21th : "Revolution Art 2009 Taipei"( World trade center ) 2009년 Jun. 13th - 17th : 'The Blue chip artists exhibition' (at Gyunghyang gallery, Seoul) 2009, Jun. 20th - 25th : 'Blue Dot Asia' at Seoul Arts Center, Seoul 2009, June 17th - 23th "Hope for the green" at dream gallery 2009, May 01th - July 29th : 2009 Team Preview and Review at Alternative Space Team Preview, Seoul 2009. May 21th - June 13th : "Dolls"( Hongkong Moon gallery ) 2009, May 20th - 30th : "WSA Project" at Keum-Jeong Culture Building, Seoul 2009, April 29th - May 05th : "2030 Way of thinking" at Mi-pyung Gallery, Seoul 2009, April 21th – 25th : MBC 60th anniversary Exhibition at Gwinnet Country spring and Beford City Art village art center, Atlanta, USA 2009, April 15th - 19th : SOAF Inviting Artists' Exhibition (SOAF Art Fair at COEX, Seoul) 2009, March 09th – 13th : MBC 60th anniversary Exhibition at Gallery Tablo 2009, March 04th – 29th : Young artist collection Exhibition "2009 Flight" at Gallery Jinsun 2009, Feb. 26th – March 02th : New York Art Expo at Manhattan Jacob Javits Center 2009, Feb. 19th – 25th : “New Human”( Hun gallery, New York) 2009, Feb. 18th - March 03th : "Marilyn Monroe" at Gallery Godo 2009, Feb. 24th – March 09th : "Obscure Layer, Ambiguous Duplication 2-Removal of photographic Reality at Gallery Looks 2009, Jan. 23th – March 31th : "Public Masterpiece" at Kyunggi-do Museum of Art 2009, Jan. 27th - March 27th : "For the better direction" at Sabani Gallery 2009, Jan. 21th – 27th : "More better way" at Sabani Gallery 2008, Nov.-Dec. : `The Chorus Project' in New York and Washington D.C. by 2008, Oct. : Ie young Contemporary Art Museum Opening Exhibition for Gyeong gi Art 2008, Oct. : `Playground Exhibition' at Jazzy Mas 2008, Sept. : An exhibition for young artists at An yang Lotte Gallery 2008, Sept . : 'The Current View Towards Art' Exhibition at Gallery The K 2008, June : Sang myung University alumni exhibition at Insa Art Plaza 2008, May : LOG Exhibition at Ja ha Gallery 2007, April : An exhibition for master of fine art thesis at Ja ha Gallery 2007, Feb. : `Poetry, Again, Is Hope' at Se jong Cultural Center 2006, Sept. : An alumni exhibition for 41st Sang myung University Anniv. at Dong ho Gallery 2006 : A special donation exhibition for Museum of Sang myung University 2006 : Amang Exhibition at Gong pyeong Art Cente 1989-2008 : A number of Baek woo Group exhibitions at Gyeong nam Art Center and other sites
2007, Oct.-2008, Feb. : Installed a landscape mural of Mt. Chiakat Won ju City Hall Address 126, Songmun-ri, Yangji-myeon, Cheoin-gu, YonginCity,Gyeonggi-do,Korea(Atelier) 학력 Education
2009 'Industrial Starlight' (갤러리 진선, 서울)
Lee, Won Chul Education M.A. in Photographic Design, Hongik University Solo Exhibitions 2009 'Industrial Starlight', Gallery JINSUN, Seoul
2009 POSCO Steel Art Award Collections SOMA Museum(Seoul) etc.
중앙대학교 사진학과, 동대학원 졸업 개인전 2020 [기록사진-히가시오사까조선중급학교] 갤러리진선. 서울 2018 [Babel] 서학동 사진관, 전주 2017 [책가도 冊架圖: 정물과초상] 한미사진미술관, 서울 [임수식 사진전] 갤러리30, 서울 [풍경3부작-Landscape of Desire] 갤러리밈, 서울 2016 [전통의울림-책가도] 수원시어린이미술체험관, 수원 2014 [Chaekgado 책가도] Galería PazYcomedias, 스페인 [책가도] 서울도서관, 서울 [책가도] 진선갤러리, 서울 2013 [책가도] Gallery D, 홍천 [Chaekgado 책가도] Galería Saro León, 스페인 [그림+X=? (X=책)] 보름산미술관, 경기 [욕망의 기호학] Space CAN Beijing, 중국 2010 [책가도 冊架圖] 갤러리 진선, 서울 [바벨의 도서관-All and Nothing] 북촌미술관, 서울 2009 [Room.K.] SONO FACTORY, 서울 2008 [책가도 冊架圖] 갤러리 온, 서울 2007 [수필 隨筆] 대안공간 건희, 서울 그룹전 2020 [해제,금기어-여수국제미술제] 여수박람회 D홀, 여수 2019 [Brisas de Corea] Galería Saro León, 그랑카나리아, 스페인 [Hanji-Translated] Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, 첸나이, 인도 [시대공감 천년을담다] 중랑아트센터, 서울 [공간기억] 김중업건축박물관, 안양 2018 [도서산간圖書山間] 청주시립미술관, 청주 [까치와 호랑이] GS칼텍스 예울마루, 여수 [책가도-일상의욕망을그리다] 군포책마을, 군포 [PHOTO BUSAN 2018] 문화공감수정, 부산 2017 [더구궁 야외프로젝트-빛,소리,풍경] 덕수궁, 서울 [1024 프로젝트-흐르는시간] 정읍시립미술관, 정읍 2016 [Map of Daily Life] Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, 텐진, 중국 [Brisas de Corea] Galería Saro León, 스페인 2015 [우리문화의 멋과 민화] 고양아람누리미술관, 고양 [기억으로 다가서기] 오산문화공장, 오산 [beyond landscape] Space ArtN, 상하이, 중국 [GAZE:A Contemplative Mind] Gallery HUUE, 싱가포르 [버스에서의 만찬] Space Can, 서울 [리수이 포토페스티발] Lishui Art Museum, China 2014 [Pouso inesperado no novo Mundo] Galería Nuvem, 브라질 [간(間)텍스트] 스페이스22, 서울 [화성, 오늘의 기억] 동탄아트스페이스, 화성 2013 [인식의 구성 – 남수현,임수식 2인전] 킵스갤러리서울 포토그래피, 서울 [story-서유라,임수식 2인전] 리나갤러리, 서울 [고서화와의 조우 – 권인경,임수식 2인전] 에스플러스 갤러리, 부산 2012 [예술가의 책] 신세계갤러리, 광주 [대구사진비엔날레] 대구예술발전소, 대구 [영파워] 아트원갤러리, 전주 [장인의 꿈과 열정] 세종문화회관 미술관, 서울 [fastbreak] gallery emil, 탐페레, 핀란드 [From Hangang To Chaopraya] The National Gallery, 태국 [Books and Life] 표 갤러리 사우스, 서울 [책거리 특별전] 경기도박물관, 경기 [이것은 책이 아니다] 스페이스K_서울, 서울 2011 [U.K.I.E:VER] AM Gallery, 브라이튼, 영국 [fiction & nonfiction] interalia, 서울 [Sublimation] Space CAN, 서울 [Bridge] 봄 갤러리, 서울 [Artists & Books] E-LAND Space, 서울 [The Brave] Soul Art Space, 부산 [신 책가도] 예송미술관, 서울 [데카메론] Space CAN Beijing, 베이징, 중국 [project-P] 국회의사당 본관, 서울 [목록의 재구성] 고은사진미술관, 부산 [열한개의 환상시] 닻미술관, 경기 [Flux] 갤러리룩스, 서울 2010 [Convergence: Korean Prints Now] 윌리엄 타워 갤러리, 휴스턴, 미국 [2010 Bookart Korea-Japan] 갤러리 진선, 서울 / 갤러리 쿤스트 바우, 일본 [쉼] 갤러리 아트힐, 경기 [전통의 재구성; 반차도] 북촌미술관, 서울 [봄, 靜, 爭] 써니 갤러리, 경기 [life is life] 남송미술관, 경기 [Book to Book] 갤러리 박영, 경기 [꽃보다그림] 봄 갤러리, 서울 2009 [전통의 재구성; 책거리그림] 북촌미술관, 서울 [시시비비] 대안공간 건희, 서울 2008 [photo independence] 히가시카와문화회관, 일본 2007 [설날선물전] 갤러리 온, 서울 2005 [pop up image] 헤이리 예술마을, 경기 2003 [for] 중앙대학교 갤러리, 경기 수상 2014 1회수림사진문화상 작품소장 국립현대미술관 미술은행 / 북촌미술관 / 이랜드문화재단, 서울 / 라이너 쿤체(Rainer Kunze) 박물관, 독일 외 다수 Graduated from Chung-Ang University(BFA/MFA) Solo exhibition 2016 [The resonance oftradition – Chaekgado] Suwon Art Center, Suwon, Korea 2014 [Chaekgado] Galería PazYcomedias, Valencia,Spain [Cheakgado]Seoul Metropolitan Library, Seoul, Korea [Cheakgado] Gallery Jinsun, Seoul, Korea 2013 [Chaekgado] Gallery D, Hongcheon, Korea [Chaekgado] Galería Saro León, GrandCanaria, Spain [Image+X=?(X=Book)] Boroomsan Museum, Gimpo, Korea [Sèmiotique du dèsir] Space CAN Beijing, China 2010 [Chaekgado] Gallery Jinsun , Seoul, Korea [TheLibrary of Babel – All and Nothing] Bukchon Art Museum, Seoul, Korea 2009 [Room.K.] SONO FACTORY, Seoul,Korea 2008 [Chaekgado] Gallery On , Seoul, Korea 2007 [Essay] Art Space Geonhi , Seoul,Korea Group exhibition 2016 [Map of Daily Life] Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, Tianjin, China 2015 [The Beauty of Korea Cultureand Minhwa] Aram Art Museum, Goyang, Korea [To meet in one’s mind] OsanMuseum of art, Osan, Korea [beyond landscape] SpaceArtN, Shanghai, China [GAZE:A Contemplative Mind]Gallery HUUE, Singapore [Today’s Menu:] Space Can,Seoul, Korea [China Lishui PhotographyFestival] Lishui Art Museum, China 2014 [Pouso inesperado nonovo Mundo] Galería Nuvem, Brazil [Intertext] Space22, Seoul, Korea [Hwaseong,Report of Today] Dongtan Art Space, Hwaseong 2013 [Digital Weaving] KIPS gallery seoulphotography , Korea [story] rina gallery, Korea [Kyeun in-kyung + Lim soo-sik] S+ gallery Busan, Korea 2012 [Book of Artist] Gwangjoo Sinsegae Gallery,Korea [Daeguphoto biennale] Daegu, Korea [YoungPower] Art1 Gallery, Korea [Master’sdream and passion] Sejong Center, Korea [fastbreak]gallery emil, Tampere, Finland [FromHangang To Chaopraya] The National Gallery, Thailand [Booksand Life] PYO Gallery South, Korea [ChaekgeoriScreen Paintings] Gyeonggi Provincial Museum, Korea [Ceci n'est pas un livre ] spaceK_seoul, Korea 2011 [U.K.I.E:VER] AM Gallery, Brighton, UK [fiction & nonfiction] interalia,Korea [Sublimation] Space CAN, Korea [Bridge] Bom Gallery, Korea [Artists& Books] E-LAND Space, Korea [The Brave] Soul Art Space, Korea [New Chackgado] Yesong Art Museum, Korea [Decameron] Space CAN Beijing, Beijing, China [project-P] The National Assembly Building, Korea [Flux] Gallery LUX, Korea 2010 [Convergence: Korean Prints Now] Williams Tower Gallery, Houston, USA [2010 Bookart Korea-Japan] GalleryJinsun, Korea / kunst-bau, Japan [take a rest] Gallery ArtHill, Korea [Newly reorganized traditionin BANCHADO] Bukchon ArtMuseum, Korea [Spring, 靜, 爭] Sunny Gallery, Korea [life is life] Namsong Art Museum, Korea [Book to Book] GalleryPakyoung, Korea 2009 [Newly reorganized tradition in scholar sutensils painting] Bukchon Art Museum, Korea 2009 [sibibi] Art Space Geonhi , Korea 2008 [photo independence] Higashikawa , Japan 2007 [gift] Gallery On , Korea 2005 [pop up image] Heyri Art Villege , Korea 2003 [for] Chung-Ang Univ. Gallery , Korea | |||||||||
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