라오미 羅吳美 Rhaomi 2006 추계예술대학교 서양화과 졸업 Exhibition(solo)_painting2014 / KOTRA open gallery
2015 <봄구경 꽃구경> / 갤러리 진선, 쉼박물관
2011 / K&Gallery
2011 , Keumsan Gallery
2012 <法古創新 韓国の色と線> / 한국문화원, 도쿄, 오사카(주관:국립민속박물관)
2012 기획전 / 한남동 NEMO
2013 2013 KOTRA 한류미술공모전 수상작품전 /KOTRA open gallery
2013 MINHWA(Korean Folk Paintings and Court) paitings which Brings Happiness / KCCLA(LA한국문화원)
2013 Korean Expo 2013 / Istanbul, Turkey
2014 <욕.망 慾.望>라오미 황세진 2인전 / gallery dooin
여름생색 展 / 공아트스페이스
2014 / 롯데갤러리
2014 <예술이 과학을 더(+)하다> / KIST(한국과학기술연구원)
2015 2015 OCEANUS K-ART / 부산 오션어스아트홀
2015 <호시탐탐虎視㽑㽑> / 고려대학교박물관
2015 <현대작가, 나혜석을 만나다> / 대안공간눈
Public art_installation
2012 ART WALL PROJECT NO.1 / BLUESQUARE Samsung Electronics Hall Wall, Seoul
2012 인도 한국문화원 오픈 아트월 설치 / KCC(Korean Cultural Centre) India , New Delhi
2013 KOTRA 한류미술공모전 대상
2014 가송예술상 우수상
고려대학교 박물관, 동화약품, Interpark Bluesqare
2013-15 장애아동 창작지원 "프로젝트A" 참여작가(주관:서울문화재단, 후원:조아제약)
2013-14 아트키스트(ART KIST) 레지던시 입주작가
2006 Graduated from Dept. of Fine art, Chugye University for the Arts
2014 / KOTRA(Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) open gallery
2015 / Gallery Jinsun&Shuim Museum
2011 / K&Gallery, Seoul
2011 , Keumsan Gallery, Seoul
2012 <法古創新 韓国の色と線> / Korean Cultural Center Tokyo,Osaka
2012 / NEMO, Seoul
2013 2013 KOTRA Korean Art Competition /KOTRA open gallery, Seoul
2013 MINHWA(Korean Folk Paintings and Court) paintings which Brings Happiness / Korean Cultural Center LA
2013 Korean Expo 2013 / Istanbul, Turkey
2014 / gallery dooin, Seoul
2014 / Lotte Gallery, Seoul
2014 <예술이 과학을 더(+)하다> / KIST(Korea Institute of Science and Technology), Seoul
2015 2015 OCEANUS K-ART / Oceanus Art Hall, Busan
2015 <虎視㽑㽑> / Korea University Museum
2015 / Gallery Noon, Suwon
Public art_installation
2012 ART WALL PROJECT NO.1 / BLUESQUARE Samsung Electronics Hall Outer Wall, Seoul
2012 KCC(Korean Cultural Centre) India Outer Wall, New Delhi
2013 KOTRA Korean Art Aword , Grand prize
2014 Ghasong Art Awrd, excellence award
Korea University Museum , Dongwha Pharm, Interpark Bluesqare
2013-15 mentor artist
2013-14 Artist Residency in KIST(Korea Institute of Science and Technology), Seoul
고려대학교 박물관, 동화약품, Interpark Bluesqare
2013-15 장애아동 창작지원 "프로젝트A" 참여작가(주관:서울문화재단, 후원:조아제약)
2013-14 아트키스트(ART KIST) 레지던시 입주작가
2006 Graduated from Dept. of Fine art, Chugye University for the Arts
2014 / KOTRA(Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) open gallery
2015 / Gallery Jinsun&Shuim Museum
2011 / K&Gallery, Seoul
2011 , Keumsan Gallery, Seoul
2012 <法古創新 韓国の色と線> / Korean Cultural Center Tokyo,Osaka
2012 / NEMO, Seoul
2013 2013 KOTRA Korean Art Competition /KOTRA open gallery, Seoul
2013 MINHWA(Korean Folk Paintings and Court) paintings which Brings Happiness / Korean Cultural Center LA
2013 Korean Expo 2013 / Istanbul, Turkey
2014 / gallery dooin, Seoul
2014 / Lotte Gallery, Seoul
2014 <예술이 과학을 더(+)하다> / KIST(Korea Institute of Science and Technology), Seoul
2015 2015 OCEANUS K-ART / Oceanus Art Hall, Busan
2015 <虎視㽑㽑> / Korea University Museum
2015 / Gallery Noon, Suwon
Public art_installation
2012 ART WALL PROJECT NO.1 / BLUESQUARE Samsung Electronics Hall Outer Wall, Seoul
2012 KCC(Korean Cultural Centre) India Outer Wall, New Delhi
2013 KOTRA Korean Art Aword , Grand prize
2014 Ghasong Art Awrd, excellence award
Korea University Museum , Dongwha Pharm, Interpark Bluesqare
2013-15 mentor artist
2013-14 Artist Residency in KIST(Korea Institute of Science and Technology), Seoul