윈도우展_71 임지혜 - 'One fine day' : Window Exhibition_71 LIM Ji Hye | |||||
전시: 윈도우展_71 임지혜 - 'One fine day' : Window Exhibition_71 LIM Ji Hye
작가: 임지혜 (LIM Ji Hye)
기간: 2011.02.10 (목) ~ 2011.03.01 (화)
장소: 갤러리진선
One fine day
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학력 Education
2001-2005 홍익대학교 미술학부 판화과 (2005년2월 졸업) 2006-2008 일본 동경 예술대학교 대학원 판화전공 (2008년 3월 졸업) 개인전 Solo Exhibitions 2009 개인전 “rest+space” - Gallery Jin (도쿄) 2010 개인전 -Gallery natsuka (도쿄) 개인전 -Gallery Jin (도쿄) 그룹전 Group Exhibitions 2004 제13회 공간국제판화비엔날레 (서울시립미술관) 2006 The 31st Annual Exhibition of The Association of Japanese Art College (일본 마치다판화미술관) 2007 Geidai arts summit’07 학생교류전 (동경예술대학) The 31st Annual Exhibition of The Association of Japanese Art College수상자전(Bunpodo, 삿포로예술의숲미술관, 동북예술공과대학) 2008 The 76th Exhibition of Japan Print Association (동경도미술관) The 6th Onoshiromadokapia Print biennial(Onoshiromadokapia Hall) The 4th the Yamamoto Kanae Print Grand Prix Competition (Yamamoto Kanae 기념관) 2009 The 77th Exhibition of the Japan Print Association(동경도미술관) BELT 2009 선정작가전 “Artist+Curator_Pick&Match” - Gallery PICI (서울) Yozo Hamaguchi 100th Anniversary International Print Competiton and Exhibition (Musee Hamaguchi Yozo, 도쿄) 2010 첫번째 계단전 (ArtSpace H - 청담) 판화4인전 (온리갤러리-청담) 수상 Awards 2004 제13회 공간국제판화비엔날레 입선 2006 the 31st Annual Exhibition of The Association of Japanese Art College (Purchase Prize) 2008 The 76th Exhibition of Japan Print Association The 6th Onoshiromadokapia Print biennial The 4th the Yamamoto Kanae Print Grand Prix Competition 2009 The 77th Exhibition of the Japan Print Association (The Department-A Encouragement Prize) Yozo Hamaguchi 100th Anniversary International Print Competiton ( Grand Prize ) 한국 현대 판화가협회전 (대상) 소장 Collections 일본 마치다판화미술관 | |||||